
Trailer Privacy

Having a tiny home require extra measures to create space and privacy for those who occupy it. Thank goodness Darlene came with a frequent reminder of this alone time, especially when in the bathroom:

Needless to say, I scraped the sticker off. One of the quirkiest things about our trailer was the incessant amount of safety signs! There was red signage all over the trailer- emergency exit stickers, ‘caution-hot!’ reminders…I took down more than 10. I am having a hard time grasping the thought of the previous owners keeping those safety stickers for almost 20 years! But the bathroom door takes the cake. Privacy in a 3×5 foot triangular bathroom is important; not sure we will need signage as a reminder.

We decided to make the bathroom door a chalkboard wall! The chalkboard will be visible upon entry in the trailer; our bathroom door is really the transition wall from the kitchen to the storage room . The inside of the door will have adhesive mirrors from ikea. (Can’t fall off! That shit is sticky) That way, when the door is open, we have a full length mirror that we can use from the ‘kitchen’ area. It was tough only having 2 ill-placed mirrors before the remodel. One was the medicine cabinet, which was hung low (nice boobs)! and the other mirror hung in the dinette. This offers two great options: watching yourself eat *cringe* or checking out your crotch while standing. Yeah, I need a longer mirror than that!

Here’s a few before and afters to make your heart sing!  

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